9 mistakes adventure riders make |
Here are tips for motorcycle adventure riders who want to have fun and stay safe. Costa Rica has amazing roads with beautiful views. But sometimes these roads can be rough. Make sure you feel comfortable and confident with your motorcycle riding skills.
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Costa Rica has some fantastic roads with beautiful views and access to the country’s diverse wildlife. But sometimes these roads can be a bit rough. So make sure you feel comfortable and confident with your motorcycle riding skills. Here are a few tips for motorcycle adventure riders who want to have fun and stay safe.

Don't air down the tires

As a general rule, you can leave the same air pressure as if riding on a paved street or hard-packed dirt road. If you are stuck in deep sand or rocks, let some air out to get enough traction to get out. But reinflate the tires immediately.

Use more front brake to stop

There is a common misconception about the front brake. Many believe it shouldn’t be used to stop the motorcycle. But in fact, the front brake is for stopping, and the back brake is for stability. When riding off-road, use both brakes. And make sure the front brake is doing the actual stopping, especially if you need to stop fast.

Relax your grip

Don’t hold on so tight to the handlebars. You are not really in control anyway. Loosen up a little. You want to be ready to react, but the bike moves as it moves on uneven terrain and rocks.

Stand up when it's scary

When you ride in mud, deep sand and gravel, stand on the motorcycle for maximum control.

Don't sit too far back

Sit as forward as you can on the motorcycle. When you sit too far back, it prevents the bike from tracking well. And with your arms stretched out, you don’t have proper control over the moto.

Don't stand straight up

When you stand on the motorcycle, lean forward. It will give you more control and you will avoid being thrown off the back of the bike.

Look farther down the road

Keep your eyes up and look down the road to plan your route. Don’t look at the rock right in front of you. You want to see vehicles coming at you and the changes in the terrain.

Pack light

You only need stuff in case of emergency: something to keep you warm and something to keep you dry.

Invest in yourself

Don’t spend a bunch of money on fancy motorcycle gear without investing in yourself too. Take riding lessons, watch videos and practice.